cia. Sargantana

[cos + espai] + tecnologia


cat /eng


SocCos_Silent_Scenes of an exodus_Li/ea/ving act I_La Plana_Pel corrent del temps_Ball d’hivern_Stan&Owsky_Fragndismut, la història d’un Nadal_Pol (o les campanes)

Lab creations

De quan tot filava quan filava_No country for old myth

Pol (o les campanes)

Guess the riddle, a cat, seven lives, and a fish, with golden flakes. A room for both. A closed window: a dumb bell. The cat play with the fish. The fish, play with the cat. Every day, the cat walks by and the ticking of the bell rings throughout the room. And every day, the cat is back with the sharpest nails. The cat plays with the fish. The fish, play with the cat. One day, suddenly, the cat comes in hasty and he shows his teeth, and the fish jumps inside the cat’s mouth. Who will die?

The team

Written and directed: Jordi Pérez i Soldevila

Cast: Eudald Casal, Oriol Casals, Oriol Macià, Òscar Pérez, Albert Pujol, Sergi Descayre,Olga Fañanás, Noemí Torné, Marina Prat, Pau Subirana, Luís Herman, Ferran Junyent

Light and Sound: Dani Carles