cia. Sargantana

[cos + espai] + tecnologia


cat /eng

  • Breus


    The research on new dramaturgies of our laboratory often produces short and solo pieces with a strong social theme. “Breus” is a meeting around these pieces with neighbors, so that what has just been seen generates a dialogue between all the attendees, both public and creators. These encounters are not necessarily in a theatrical space, but rather the right spot for each exchange to let a better dialogue as well as a closer look at theater and creation.

    Since 2018, with the support of the Barcelona Sants-Montjuïc district, we have expanded the impact of these theatrical acts in the district, and have begun to create an audience that regularly attends the proposals.

    At each new edition, we continue working artistically in the same way as in previous editions and improving the post-function space of direct meeting between audience and creators, devoting part of the research to proposing new formulas that still make the viewers more comfortable to deepen in the dialogue.

    With the support of Generalitat de Catalunya

    En col·laboració amb In collaboration with Ajuntament de Barcelona / Districte Sants-Montjuïc / Ajuntament de Manresa / Els Carlins Manresa

  • Barricidi -a project of Art i Part

    Barricidi -a project of Art i Part

    “Barricidi” is a show resulting from the municipal project of community creation Art i Part Poble Sec. Based on the driving force of gentrification, the expulsion of neighborhood residents and the loss of identity, the social, artistic and cultural diversity that enriches Poble Sec through different artistic disciplines is shown.

    This proposal has been developed by a working group of the community culture table of Poble Sec. The various participating people and organizations are the ones who have created the show, and this project is understood as a transformative and vindictive artistic process, involving the neighborhood and groups that are directly or indirectly suffering the consequences. of the gentrification of the neighborhood in recent years.

    An immersive and site-specific proposal, the result of a process of community creation, which aims to bring the viewer closer to the reality of gentrification.

    The assembly aims to offer a multifaceted view of the problem, focusing on those realities that most affect the neighborhood at the moment and projecting them towards a not-too-distant future. It shows the two sides of the same coin: the face, the Poble Sec 2030, a fashionable neighborhood in the heart of Barcelona, and the cross: the social costs of the “Barricide” necessary to build this new face.

    Partnership: Pla Comunitari del Poble-sec, Art&Coop, La Vilella (Cia. Sargantana), Transductores, Associació Susoespai, Institut del Teatre, Mercat de les Flors, Trama SCCL.
    Emerging artists: neighbours of Poble-sec (Barcelona).

    Established artists: Jordi Pérez and Vero Cendoya, co-directors of the show.
    Collaborators: Taula de cultura del Poble-sec.
    Pictures: Justin P. Brown.

    Art i Part. Community artistic creation

    The ART i PART program of community artistic creation in the neighborhoods is an initiative of the Barcelona City Council, managed through the Institute of Culture, which invites the residents of the city to take part in a community proposal in the which they act as creators. ART i PART, which already carried out a first season in 2018 in five neighborhoods of the city, came in 2019 to the Besòs, Gòtic and Poble-sec neighborhoods.

  • fractal project

    fractal project

    cia Sargantana has been using programming and technology in artistic research since 2013, applying mapping and kinect solutions in dramaturgy, mainly. Some of the aspects have been applied professionally to various assemblies: “Ball d’hivern”, “Carmina Transitus”, “La Plana”, “Li / ea / ving”, “De quan tot filava quan filava.”

    At the same time, the company has worked on different social artistic projects, and most of its plays are related to social and political themes. “Breus” Project supported by the Sants-Montjuïc district, is one of our latest ways of expression of this kind of work.

    Fractal project let the company share its knowledge and research in technology as a vehicle in scenic arts to young people. This project has been possible thanks to the collaboration with Barcelona City Council – Barcelona Activa.

    The Fractal Project is aimed primarily at young people between 16 and 29 years of age who are vulnerable, at risk of social exclusion or undocumented.

    The social objective of the project is to train new professionals capable of managing technical aspects of live shows through an innovative solution based on technology. Research and training will be carried out by Jordi Pérez i Soldevila.